30729_Blue Coat ProxySG管理控制台 – URI处理程序多个跨站点脚本漏洞 – 多个远程exploit.txt


source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/26286/info  Blue Coat ProxySG Management Console is prone to two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities because the application fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.  An attacker may leverage these issues to execute arbitrary script code in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may help the attacker steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch other attacks.  Versions prior to ProxySG and are vulnerable.  NOTE: This BID originally covered one issue, but was updated to also cover a second issue.  https://www.example.com:8082/Secure/Local/console/install_upload_action/crl_format?name="%00 https://www.example.com:8082/Secure/Local/console/install_upload_from_file.htm?file=